With Carina’s unique styling and coaching experience, her wish is that women finish her programme feeling empowered to be their own special and unique selves, in how they look and how they feel. Her coaching aims to be a lasting product where her clients feel equipped to style themselves on an on-going daily basis, with both the knowledge and mind-set to do so.

In addition to this, Carina cares deeply about our eco-system and our oceans, and is conscious of how our fashion choices can contribute significantly to the health of our environment. Having studied Sustainable Strategy with the Harvard Business School, Carina understands the importance of creating businesses which contribute to a sustainable environment for the better. Encouraging a ‘shop your wardrobe’ mentality and incorporating conscious and sustainable shopping habits is an important piece of Carina’s programme.

Carina is also a supporter of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation and was in attendance of COP28 here in Dubai in 2023.